Type One Diabetes A-Z
Type One Diabetes A-Z
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Your Vote is Your Future!

Your Vote is Your Future!

Your Vote is Your Future!

“Our political leaders will know our priorities only if we tell them, again and again, and if those priorities begin to show up in the polls.”

—Peggy Noonan

With so much at stake this election year, vote like your health depends on it.

With so much at stake this election year, vote like your health depends on it.


  • To preserve protections for those with pre-existing condition
  • To allow young adults to stay on parents’ insurance until the age of 26
  • To prohibit yearly and lifetime dollar limits for essential health benefits
  • To improve insulin affordability and accessibility

Research candidates and flex your power at the polls.

Do you have a voting plan?

  • Do you have a mail in or absentee ballot (some states define these as two separate entities and treat them differently), OR
  • Will you be voting in person?
  • Where are you voting?
  • What time will you be voting
  • Do you need to take off work or secure childcare?
  • Is there anyone you need to take with you to the polls?
  • In states with voter I.D. laws, do you have the necessary documents to vote?
Ellie - Vote

Ask friends and family if they have a voting plan. Voting is the expression of our commitment to ourselves, to each other, and to our country.

Advocacy begins at the ballot box, but it doesn’t have to end there. For more information, join the advocacy efforts of Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) to help secure federal funding for important diabetes research, inform health and regulatory policy, and improve the quality of life for those living with T1D.

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation

Share your story as part of a larger movement to influence insurance companies to provide insulin at a reasonable rate, to have more freedom in choosing the pump that is right for you, and to cover closed loop systems (artificial pancreas technologies).

Advocating is often as easy as talking about your personal experience with diabetes, calling or writing members of Congress, and meeting with lawmakers in their local offices. JDRF can provide the tools and training.

You have the experience and motivation. Connecting with JDRF makes it easy to organize, educate, and advocate for specific goals or initiatives like Medicare coverage for continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) or continued funding of the Special Diabetes Program (SDP) that has provided $2.8 billion  for T1D research since 1997.

Take action. Inspire change. Use your voice. Voting is the first step.

“With so much at stake this election year, vote like your health depends on it.”